M&B Music Blog

George Michael – White Light – Lyric °/ e Testo

George Michael ha visto la luce in fondo al tunnel, probabilmente durante il ricovero nel novembre scorso per una grave forma di polmonite.

White Light, canzone decisamente dance, racconta di quello che lo stesso cantante btitannico ha definito come “in assoluto, il mese peggiore della mia vita”. L’ex Wham ha inoltre dichiarato: Ho scritto pensando a quello che mi è successo quando ero ricoverato. So che c’è gente che per giorni ha pregato per me. Io posso ricompensarli e ringraziarli con quello che so far meglio, la musica. Il nuovo brano è per loro”.


Il testo di White Light

I’m back, I’m back
Prouder than ever baby
Louder than ever may be
One more pill just one more beer
One less star in the atmosphere
For us,
But maybe she just wanted to be free

Heartless pictures on tv
Change that channel that could have been me
I said, maybe she just wanted to be free

So I just kept breathing my friends
Waiting for the man to choose
Saying this ain’t the day that it ends
There’s no white light and I’m not through

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive

And I’ve got so much more that I want to do
With the music it, was it music that saved me
Or the way that you prayed for me
Cause either way I thank you, I’m alive

Motel motel makes it clear
One more voice we will never hear again
But maybe he just wanted to be free
And I don’t know what thell what the gods, what the fuck
I’m saying, half the time, something divine, oh divine
Brought me back to you
And I know it,

so I just kept breathing my friends
Waiting for some god to choose
Saying this ain’t the day that it ends
Cause there’s no white light and I’m not through

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive

And I’ve got so much more that I want to do
Was it music that, was it science that saved me
Or the way that you prayed for me
Cause either way I thank you, I’m alive

And tomorrow is mine, I said tomorrow is mine
I’ve just to keep on breathing
I said no, don’t let go
Keep on breathing, breathing

Got to keep on, got to keep on, got to keep on
Keep on breathing, breathing

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive

And I’ve got so much more that I want to do
Was it music that, was it science that saved me
Or the way that you prayed for me
Well I thank you, I’m alive, yeah

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