M&B Music Blog

Du gamla du fria – Zlatan Ibrahimović feat. Day – Canzone Spot Volvo XC Polar

Volvo insieme a Zlatan Ibrahimović e Forsman & Bodenfors celebra la Svezia.

Montagne, foreste, lunghe distanze, il sole, la pioggia, l’oscurità, neve e ghiaccio. E’ l’unicità del loro paese che ispira e sfida le persone a Volvo quando sviluppano le loro auto. E’ anche qui, a casa, nel magnifico deserto che trovano la loro forza. Proprio come fa Zlatan Ibrahimović.


E’ possibile scaricare Du gamla du fria – Zlatan feat. Day su iTunes al prezzo di 0.99 centesimi

Artist: Zlatan feat. Day
Title: “Du gamla du fria”
Composed by: Richard Dybeck
Arranged by: Max Martin, Style of Eye, Joakim Jarl and Svidden
Produced by: Max Martin for MXM Productions & Style of Eye, Joakim Jarl & Svidden for Front House. In collaboration with Forsman & Bodenfors.
Mixed by: Max Martin
Recorded by: Max Martin, Shellback and Sam Holland at MXM Studios, Stockholm, Sweden and in Front of House Studios, Stockholm, Sweden
Mastered by: Björn Engelmann at Cutting Room, Stockholm, Sweden
Published by: MXM (arm by Kobalt Songs Music Publishing, Inc.)

Photographer: Calle Stoltz
Post Production: Johan Cabezos, Señior & F&B Factory

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