M&B Music Blog

100 Days, 100 Nights – Canzone Spot Fitbit ChargeHR – Con Testo completo

E’ on air da maggio 2015 una pubblicità televisiva di Fitbit ChargeHR, un braccialetto che monitora il battito cardiaco in modo automatico e continuo direttamente sul polso per tenere traccia del dispendio calorico quotidiano, mantenere e ottimizzare il livello di allenamento desiderato.

Fitbit ChargeHR

A fare da colonna sonora allo spot una canzone che si intitola 100 Days, 100 Nights, prima traccia dell’album omonimo di Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings, il terzo del gruppo musicale funk/soul statunitense originario di Brooklyn e attivo dal 1996, pubblicato il 2 ottobre 2007.

100-days-100-nights cover art

Il testo di 100 Days, 100 Nights – link per il download da iTunes

100 days, 100 nights to know a mans heart
100 days, 100 nights to know a mans heart
And a little more before he knows his own

You know, a man cant play the part of a saint just so long
For a day comes when his true, his true self unfolds, yes, it does
He may be mellow, he may be kind, treat you, girl, all the time
But theres something just beyond what hes told, hey

100 days, 100 nights to know a mans heart
100 days, 100 nights to know a mans heart
And a little more before he knows his own

Wait a minute
Maybe I need to slow it down just a little
Take my time

I had a man tell me things
(100 days, 100 nights)
Oh, made me feel just like a queen
(100 days, 100 nights)

And I thought he was the one
(100 days, 100 nights)
I, I would hold, oh yes, I did
(100 days, 100 nights)

But one day I looked around
(100 days, 100 nights)
That old man was nowhere to be found
(100 days, 100 nights)

100 days for his heart
(100 days, 100 nights)
To unfold
(100 days, 100 nights)

100 days, 100 nights
(100 days, 100 nights)
To know a mans heart
(100 days, 100 nights)

100 days, 100 nights
(100 days, 100 nights)
To know a mans heart
(100 days, 100 nights)
And a little more before he knows his own

100 days, 100 nights
100 days, 100 nights
100 days, 100 nights

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