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4x4Ever – Morgan Dorr – Canzone Spot Jeep Renegade Summer Edition (Testo Traduzione)

La canzone che fa da colonna sonora alla pubblicità della Jeep Renegade Summer Edition (in televisione a partire da settembre 2016) si intitola 4x4Ever ed è una canzone di Morgan Dorr. Il brano era già stato utilizzato per lo spot Jeep Renegade nel Super Bowl 50, durante il quale è stato in assoluto quello con più shazzam.


Il testo 4x4Ever – in download su iTunes

4 by 4 by Land, 4 by 4 by Sea – 4 per 4 via terra, 4 per 4 via mare
4 by 4 by Air ‘cause I like to fly free – 4 per 4 via aria perché mi piace volare gratis
4 by 4AM that’s when I rise – 4 per 4 la mattina è quella l’ora in cui mi alzo
Sneak up on the landscape catch it by surprise – furtivamente sul paesaggio catturato di sorpresa

4 by 4 rules were made to be broken – 4 per 4 le regole sono fatte per essere infrante
4 by 4 respect – a little nod unspoken – 4 per 4 rispetto – un piccolo cenno inespresso
4 by 4 my suburbs, 4 by 4 by drive-thru – 4 per 4 le mie periferie, 4 per 4 per guidarci attraverso
4 by 4 the lost and found cities that I drive-to – 4 per 4 le città smarrite e ritrovate dove ho guidato
4 my country how it all started out – Per il mio paese come tutto è cominciato
4 the brave and every boy scout – Per il coraggioso ed ogni boy scout
4 the fun of it, ‘cause you know you can – Per il gusto di farlo, perché sai che puoi
4 by 4 more air, more sea, more land – 4 per più aria, più mare, più terra

4 by 4 doin’ it yourself cause you want it done right
4 by 4 top down – stars keep you up at night
4 stones that were meant to be turned
4 the dares and the thrills that you’ve earned

4 by 4 conquest, 4 by 4 dreams
4 by 4 waking up and crossing those streams
4 by 4 every one of those seventy-five years
4 by 4 the wave – that’s how we say ‘cheers’
4 by 4 today, tomorrow and never sayin’ never
That’s how we drive, survive… and live 4 by 4ever

This is 4 doin’ it right now and never waitin’
This is 4 the moments that are worth celebratin’
This is 4 the ones that go big or go home
Here’s to taking it and making it your own

4 by 4 the North, the South, East to the West
They all lead somewhere and you do the rest
Make the magic hour 24 long
Burn the map, use your gut, no you can’t go wrong

4 the lessons that you learned now you teach
4 by 4 taking what was once outta’ reach
4 the sounds you hear when no one’s around
4 knowing which way’s up and which way’s down
4 here, now, the good of getting better
Today, tomorrow, and 4 by 4ever

Livin’ wild and free like the wild life you’ve seen
Before and after, and the times in between
Growin’ up – freedom being all you’ve ever known
For the kids inside us all that are never fully grown

4 by 4 takin’ the long way back
4 stepping up and never livin’ life off the rack
4 the climb, the fall, the gettin’ up, the walkin’ tall
4 what you have and not needing it at all

4 by 4 today, tomorrow, and never sayin’ never
That’s how we drive, survive
And live… 4 by 4ever

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