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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners – Canzoni Colonna Sonora Serie TV

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners è una serie anime basata sul videogioco Cyberpunk 2077 di CD Projekt Red. La serie è stata animata da Studio Trigger sotto la supervisione di CD Projekt e ha debuttato su Netflix nel settembre 2022.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners - Canzoni Colonna Sonora Serie TV

La trama

Ambientato nell’universo Cyberpunk creato da Mike Pondsmith, l’anime funge da prequel del gioco e si svolge circa un anno prima degli eventi di Cyberpunk 2077.

In una distopia invasa da corruzione, criminalità e impianti cibernetici, un ragazzino di strada impulsivo ma talentuoso di nome David, dopo aver perso tutto ciò che ha in una sparatoria, fa la scelta di sopravvivere dalla parte sbagliata della legge come edgerunner; un mercenario high-tech del mercato nero noto anche come “cyberpunk”.

Tutte le canzoni di Cyberpunk: Edgerunners stagione 1

Episodio 1 S01E01

Who’s Ready for Tomorrow by Rat Boy
Health by Major Crimes
Kevin by Antigama

Episodio 2 S01E02

Acid Breather by Mastiff
Blurred by Earth Trax
Sustain/Decay by Piotr Maciejewski/Drivealone
Friday Night Fire Fight by Aligns
Retrogenesis by Private Press
Lithium by SLG
I Really Want to Stay at Your House by Rosa Walton (Let’s Eat Grandma)

Episodio 3 S01E03

I Will Follow by Snot Abundance
Me Machine by Poly
Friday Night Fire Fight by Aligns
Just Wine (PAFF remix) by Diego Cichy Don feat PAFF
Nieważne by Diego Cichy Don feat. Martyna Baranowska

Episodio 4 S01E04

The Other Room by Earth Trax
Who’s Ready for Tomorrow by Rat Boy
Friday Night Fire Fight by Aligns
I Will Follow by Snot Abundance
Acid Breather by Mastiff
Sustain/Decay by Piotr Maciejewski/Drivealone
Little Stranger by Dawid Podsiadło and Bogdan Kondracki
On My Way to Hell by Połoz

Episodio 5 S01E05

Nie Pytaj Nas by Zjednoczenie Soundsystem
I Will Follow by Snot Abundance
Dom by Zjednoczenie Soundsystem feat Damian Syjonfam
Undertow Velocity by Private Press
The Voice in My Head by PT Adamczyk
Cyberwildlife Park by Marcin Przybylowicz
Modern Anthill by Marcin Przybylowicz

Episodio 6 S01E06

Health by Major Crimes
Consumer Cathedral by Marcin Przybylowicz
1101 Break by Private Press
Undertow Velocity by Private Press
Fuelled by Poison by Antigama
Modern Anthill by Marcin Przybylowicz
Juiced Up by PT Adamczyk
Żurawie by Ugory

Episodio 7 S01E07

Gridflow by Private Press
Night City Aliens by The Armed
Outro by Zjednoczenie Soundsystem
Siła Mikrofonu by Zjednoczenie Soundsystem feat King General
Midnight Eye by Earth Trax
The Other Room by Earth Trax
Cloudy Day by Marcin Przybylowicz
Outsider No More by PT Adamczyk

Episodio 8 S01E0

Consumer Cathedral by Marcin Przybylowicz
Modern Anthill by Marcin Przybylowicz
Outsider No More by PT Adamczyk
History by Gazelle Twin
Where Did Your Love Go produced by Dawid Podsiadło and Bogdan Kondracki

Episodio 9 S01E09

Like a Miracle by Earth Trax
Code Red Initiated by PT Adamczyk
Scavenger Hunt by PT Adamczyk
Cyberwildlife Park by Marcin Przybylowicz
Kevin by Antigama
The Sacred and the Profane by Paul Leonard-Morgan
History by Gazelle Twin
Run to the Edge by Marcin Przybylowicz and PT Adamczyk

Episodio 10 S01E10

Health by Major Crimes
Run to the Edge by Marcin Przybylowicz and PT Adamczyk
Neuron by Auer
I Really Want to Stay at Your House by Rosa Walton (Let’s Eat Grandma)
Adam Smasher by Paul Leonard-Morgan
Żurawie by Ugory
Outsider No More by PT Adamczyk

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